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Alice Childs

Hello, I'm Alice Childs.

I am an Accredited Genealogist® professional and I am passionate about helping people learn more about how to participate in genealogy because I believe  family history is for everyone! Whatever your age or stage in life, there is a place for you. In fact, you are already participating in creating family history even if you don't realize it. Things like family traditions, family stories, and family photos are all a part of the broad world of genealogy and family history. 

But did you know that learning more about your family's history is a practice that will benefit you and your loved ones? Research has shown that those who know their family narrative--who their ancestors were, traits and characteristics that have been handed down, and stories of experiencing joy and overcoming hardship--are more resilient and have more self-esteem than those who don't.[1] Knowing your family narrative creates a sense of belonging to something greater than yourself that is good for your well-being.

Are you seeking these familial connections? I am here to help you!  Explore content in the GenealogyNow Learning Center and subscribe below to receive weekly blog posts. Stay connected through GenealogyNow and you will find resources to help you no matter where you are on your genealogy journey. These resources are categorized into four "stages." 

Four Stages of Genealogy

Regardless of your skill level, you may find yourself moving between stages. In fact, even with years of experience, I find myself working in every stage depending on what my projects and interests are at the moment. 

I’m so glad you’re here!

[1] “Family Narratives,” Family Narratives Lab ( : accessed 30 December 2022).