I recently completed a client project in which one of the objectives was to verify the genealogically significant information in some German and French birth, marriage, and death records. As I was abstracting the French records, I noticed some unfam ...
4 Favorite Sources for Researching Ancestors in the United States
As we in the United States celebrate the birth of our nation on the 4th of July, I thought it would be fun to share four of my favorite sources for discovering more about U.S. ancestors. While a large number of record types exist and I've been learn ...
Finding William’s Father: My Research Plan
In the last post in this series, I discussed locality research as well as ethnicity estimates from Ancestry and MyHeritage. The next step in my project is to create a research plan for both DNA and traditional genealogy research. Her ...
5 Power Tools for Genealogists
As I have been preparing to submit my 4-generation project for accreditation through ICAPGen, I have spent over 1,000 hours on genealogy research and education in the last 15 months. Between that and the creation of my website, client work, and writ ...
Book Review: Lady Clementine by Marie Benedict
I discovered author Marie Benedict during a trip to Warwick's book store in San Diego in February. Benedict's book Lady Clementine was one of the staff picks of the month, and because I am a historical fiction fan, I was intrigued. Benedict's bio o ...
Finding William’s Father: DNA Ethnicity Estimates and Locality Research
I have been working through the steps to complete a project in which I am trying to discover the name of my 3x great-grandfather using DNA and traditional genealogical research. I’m using my Dad’s DNA reports at Ancestry and MyHeritage for this proj ...
Finding William’s Father: New Leads
I have been working on a personal DNA project, "Finding William's Father," a little at a time over the last few weeks. In my last post, I wrote about using the AutoClustering tool at Genetic Affairs. Over the last couple of weeks, I was able to dete ...
Surrounded by Love
Have you been participating in the 21-Day Connections Experiment? It's an informal experiment based on the idea that having stronger family connections, including a personal understanding of your family’s history, can lead to increased resilience, u ...
Finding William’s Father: DNA Cluster Analysis
Last weekend while working on my DNA project, Finding William's Father, I uploaded DNA data to MyHeritage and Gedmatch. While waiting for the DNA to finish processing, I created a timeline of Ann Munford's life and analyzed my sources. This past we ...
Finding William’s Father: Timeline Analysis in a DNA Project
Last week I gave some background information and shared my objective and limitations for my current DNA project, Finding William's Father. I also sent a letter to a potential Y-DNA test taker. On Sunday afternoon I uploaded my Dad’s DN ...