Family History Bingo

A Family History Bingo Night is a great way to become familiar with the names and faces of our ancestors while having a lot of fun! Give dollar store toys and candy as prizes. Share a sentence or two about each ancestor as their picture is picked.

This is an activity that family members of all ages will enjoy.

Family Recipe Cards

Do you have recipes that are important to your family's history? Consider creating recipe cards with Canva, a free online design tool. Host a dinner using the recipes then give copies to family members; send them as Christmas postcards; or simply share them on Facebook. Don't forget to upload them to FamilySearch so all family members can access them!

Printable Quotes

Create prints of family sayings or meaningful family history quotes to display in your home or share on social media using Canva. This one by Linda Hogan is one of my favorites: "Suddenly, all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands." I would love to share a printable copy with you! Click the button below to download.

Food Traditions

I made this fun menu with Canva. It highlights foods that you might have found in my Grandma's kitchen. It's another way to pass down food traditions in your family.

Ancestor Print

I love this quote framed by my ancestors. This is a quick and easy gift idea for Christmas, a birthday, or any occasion. My Canva template makes it simple to put together.