The last two weeks have been busy ones! The bulk of my time was spent completing the report for my Research Like a Pro with DNA study group. It was exciting to organize everything I had discovered and write an analysis and conclusions along with future research suggestions. As I wrote, I realized that during the course of this project, I discovered so many new opportunities for research! As I have been extensively involved in family history research over the last several months, I have learned that there will always be more research to do! With so much work to accomplish, it’s exciting that we have an abundance of resources at our fingertips. I am amazed that I completed an entire project that included immigration and Polish research and I didn’t have to go anywhere but my home office to do any of it. It’s a great time to be alive and gathering our tribe!
At the conclusion of the study group, I had the opportunity to reflect on my experience. I loved the study group! I was a part of the Spring 2019 Research Like a Pro study group and experienced incredible growth in my research abilities, so I was really excited to join this study group and learn all about how to use DNA in the Research Like a Pro process.
I began with virtually no experience working with DNA. I had read articles and listened to podcasts about genetic genealogy, but I hadn’t ever attempted to apply anything I was learning. This study group was the perfect way for me to dive in and learn. Having the Family Locket team of Diana, Nicole, and Robin walk us through a step-by-step process was good for me. Weekly assignments made me accountable and provided hands-on experience every step of the way. Their feedback, as well as feedback from my peers, helped me improve with each assignment. I now feel ready to continue using DNA evidence in future projects.
Learning about the tools and resources that can help us analyze our DNA results, discover how we are related to our DNA matches, and find common ancestors helped me realize that using DNA in our research is not as complicated as I thought it would be, although there is still much more for me to learn! My biggest takeaway from the study group is a better understanding of the DNA tools that are available and how and when to use them. I am excited to continue exploring these tools as I take on new projects in the future.
Next Steps
With my new knowledge, I am excited to see if I can prove my 3x great-grandfather using DNA evidence. He was born in England, and it has been unclear whether his parents were married. We do know that he and his mother emigrated to the United States when he was a young child and that she never revealed his father’s first name to him, although he does allegedly bear his biological father’s last name. A potential candidate for a father has been discovered by other researchers. I would like to include Y-DNA in this project to verify his surname, and I have already identified two potential test-takers that would help with this case. Contacting them to see if they are willing to do a Y-DNA test is one of my next steps.
Take the Leap and Begin Learning About DNA
Have you begun using DNA evidence in your family history research? If not, I invite you to begin! It has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me, and the field is growing rapidly. New tools and resources are constantly being developed. If you want to learn more, I would recommend starting with the resources at Family Locket. Diana, Nicole, and Robin have been busy creating blog posts and podcasts that will help in your journey. And of course, watch for them to start advertising their next Research Like a Pro With DNA study group and think about joining! It has been so valuable for me, and I would love for you to experience it for yourself.