RootsTech 2024 is just seventeen days away. Will you be attending virtually or in person? Whatever your level of expertise or involvement in family history, there is something at RootsTech for you! Over the next three weeks, I will be sharing some id ...
Writing a Genealogy Research Report
This series focuses on how I applied the steps in the Research Like a Pro process for a personal research project. I walked through these steps in a study group I participated in last fall. The first step was to create a research objective. This ...
Three Ways to Find Ancestor Stories
In a recent article for Liahona magazine, London Brimhall wrote about the power of family stories. She quoted Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, who recently taught that learning about our family “can change our lives in surpr ...
Creating a Research Log
This series focuses on how I applied the steps in the Research Like a Pro process for a personal research project. I walked through these steps in a study group I participated in last fall. The first step was to create a research objective. This ...
Fulfill Your Family History Resolutions with Help from the BYU Record Linking Lab
Have you ever set a goal and then felt it slither away into the land of unfulfilled intentions a few weeks into January? This often happens to me. I start the year with great expectations, but then January 2 hits, I go back to real life, and my good ...
Basics of Evidence Analysis, Part 3: Information
Welcome to the third installment in a six-part series about evidence analysis, or the process by which we determine the reliability of the evidence we discover in our research. Part One discussed the value of evidence analysis and presented three imp ...
Creating a Research Plan
This series focuses on how I applied the steps in the Research Like a Pro process for a personal research project. I walked through these steps in a study group I participated in last fall. The first step was to create a research objective. This ...
Youth Activity Idea: Ancestor Connections
Last week I wrote about how to use Compare a Face to find out which ancestor you most resemble. This week, I want to share a youth activity idea using Compare a Face. Please note that each youth will need to be signed in to the FamilySearch Tree app ...
Basics of Evidence Analysis, Part 2: Sources
Welcome to the second installment in a six-part series about evidence analysis, or the process by which we determine the reliability of the evidence we discover in our research. Part one discussed the value of evidence analysis and presented three im ...
Creating a Locality Guide for Norfolk, England
This series focuses on how I applied the steps in the Research Like a Pro process for a personal research project. I walked through these steps in a study group I participated in last fall. The first step was to create a research objective. This was ...