When my children were young, I started creating scrapbooks for each of them. I kept this up for a few years, but it's been a couple of decades since I did any scrapbooking. Every year, I determine that this is the year I am going to create a digital ...
President’s Day Activity
Tomorrow we celebrate President's Day in the United States. Although the holiday began as a day to celebrate our first president George Washington's birthday, it has evolved to become a day to recognize and celebrate all our presidents.Eric Lagatta, ...
Fulfill Your Family History Resolutions with Help from the BYU Record Linking Lab
Have you ever set a goal and then felt it slither away into the land of unfulfilled intentions a few weeks into January? This often happens to me. I start the year with great expectations, but then January 2 hits, I go back to real life, and my good ...
FamilySearch Activity: Compare a Face
In an episode of Relative Race a few years ago, I was struck by one contestant’s joy that he was finally meeting “people who look like me.” While there are many ways to foster a sense of belonging among family members, this story illustrates that sha ...
Write Your Life Story One Week at a Time
You are the one who should tell your stories. Whatever your age, it’s never too early or too late to start recording them. This year, consider making a goal to begin! If you record one story per week, you will have fifty-two stories written by the en ...
Video Presentation: 5 Ways to Do Family History in 5 Minutes
A couple of years ago I created a presentation called 5 Ways to do Family History in 5 Minutes. I presented it at least a dozen times the following year. COVID put an end to my in-person presentations, and I have been meaning to create a video pres ...
5-Minute Family History: Have Fun With Photos
Looking at photos is a great way to recall memories and to begin telling family stories. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but only those who have memories associated with the photos will be able to really bring the photos to life for fu ...
5-Minute Family History: Learn About Your Name
Do you know why your parents gave you your name? If you have children, why did you give them their names? Learning about your name can bolster your sense of identity and connect you to your ancestors. FamilySearch has created a couple of activitie ...
5-Minute Family History: Attach a Record to Your Ancestor’s Profile at FamilySearch
Attaching records to your ancestors' profiles at FamilySearch is a great way to work on adding validity to the tree. Attaching one record takes less than 5 minutes, which is why this is included as part of my 5-Minute Family History Series. Furtherm ...
5-Minute Family History: Open Those Emails from FamilySearch
Are you excited about the idea of learning more about your family history but don't feel like you have time? Today I am beginning a new series titled 5-Minute Family History. This series will focus on ways you can connect with your ancestors and eve ...